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Maggie's books

Charlotte's Web
Green Eggs and Ham
The Cat in the Hat
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Goodnight Moon
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Number the Stars
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
The Notebook
The Fault in Our Stars
The Last Song
The Lucky One
Thirteen Reasons Why
Safe Haven
The Joy of Cooking
Little Women
Anyone But You
Oh, the Places You'll Go!

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Most Powerful Line

I just got half way through my book and its amazing! Yet I'm a slow reader I can't put it down. When I was reading I found a quote that just spoke to me. It was so powerful it shocked me! Its so short but yet so little words can make it so powerful. It was right when Elizabeth was getting taken from her house and Brian David Mitchell said that god told him to do this. She said to herself, "We can choose to be taken by the evil. Or we can try to embrace the good. " This quote was used perfectly in this scene and she used it so well. It could have been interpreted many different ways but in the book it was used to to explain what Brian and Elizabeth were thinking.

This quote could be used in my life if I really wanted it to be. It could also be used in many different situations. The way I would fit this quote is if your about to do something bad or make a bad decision. You could look at this and say I want to do it, but do I really have to. That is when you need to sit back and think about your decisions. I know if I would have know this I would have to think about it. I've made bad decisions that I should have thought more into. Don't we all do that?


  1. Im a slow reader when I dont like the book I like. This sounds like a good book I think I might read it.

  2. OMG love your background and summary
