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Charlotte's Web
Green Eggs and Ham
The Cat in the Hat
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Goodnight Moon
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Number the Stars
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
The Notebook
The Fault in Our Stars
The Last Song
The Lucky One
Thirteen Reasons Why
Safe Haven
The Joy of Cooking
Little Women
Anyone But You
Oh, the Places You'll Go!

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Summer Reading Post #3

Wow! Eleanor & Park has become one of the best books I have ever read. It keeps me on my toes waiting for the next thing to happen. When I am reading I like to read books that keep me on my toes because otherwise I will stop reading it because it’s boring or just drags along. During the middle book I wanted to stop reading and choose a new book because it was boring me so much. One part in the book that kept me going was, “If he wanted that now-if he wanted her to beg for forgiveness, for mercy, if that was the price she had to pay to stay-she’d do it. She hoped he couldn’t see that. She hoped none of them could see what was left of her. (Rowell, 154)” This part was the icing on the cake. Eleanor wanted Park so bad she would do anything. I thought it was just so cute! I had to read on to see what was going to happen. Most of the chapters didn’t end in cliff hangers but this chapter did and this one was very good because I wanted to read more. When I read on it was worth it because I found out what happened and in the next chapter there was also another cliff hanger that kept me going. I would let you know what happens but I don’t want to spoil the middle of the book for you. If you are reading this book and feel like stopping don’t! It will get better.

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