My Books

Maggie's books

Charlotte's Web
Green Eggs and Ham
The Cat in the Hat
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Goodnight Moon
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Number the Stars
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
The Notebook
The Fault in Our Stars
The Last Song
The Lucky One
Thirteen Reasons Why
Safe Haven
The Joy of Cooking
Little Women
Anyone But You
Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Maggie Lust's favorite books »

Thursday, January 30, 2014

All about Elizabeth Smart

I continued reading my book and I can't stop reading it. She keeps you waiting on your toes wanting to find out more about her kidnapping. Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped at the age of 14 when Brian (her kidnapper) in her bed in the middle of the night when she was right by her sister. Brian said as she got out of bed, "If you make a sound, I will not only kill you but your family." Elizabeth didn't know what to do so she didn't make a sound. If I was in her shoes I would have no idea what to do, I would probably scream and try to hurt him. I don't know how she could do it for 9 months! My mom always told me not to talk to starangers and that if anyone that I didn't want to touch me did. THen scream.

In this part Elizabeth said one of my favorite quotes she has said, "We can choose to be taken by the evil. Or we can try to embrace the good." She always kept saying that in her head as she goes through this very harsh journey that would be hard for any 14 year old to do. As she goes on this journey she gets abused and raped by this man that her family gave her work! It's so hard for her to realize that this is happening and all she can do is pray. If I was her I couldn't do it i would have to try and escape or scream.

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