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Maggie's books

Charlotte's Web
Green Eggs and Ham
The Cat in the Hat
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Goodnight Moon
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Number the Stars
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
The Notebook
The Fault in Our Stars
The Last Song
The Lucky One
Thirteen Reasons Why
Safe Haven
The Joy of Cooking
Little Women
Anyone But You
Oh, the Places You'll Go!

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Monday, February 17, 2014

Fahrenheit 451

We finished reading the book Fahrenheit 451. This book is about a society that makes fires instead of putting them out. The main character is a man named Montag who believes that his job is shady. He doesn't understand why they burn books. He started wondering this after they went to a house where a lady burned in the house with her books because she loved them so much. I know that I would die in my house because I had books. I would get out!

I believe that what these people were doing was crazy! I don't like to read, I mean it's okay but I wouldn't Burn books so that everyone in the society is the same person. I think that is a crazy idea. Wouldn't you want some people to be smart, or know more things than others? That gives people value. If our society was like this today I don't know what I would do. It would be so boring to live like that. I wish that they would make another book of this because I want to know if they found Montag. I had so many questions at the end of this book. My main question is did they ever let people start reading?

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